Identifying Feelings | Feeling Monsters

Cover image for identifying feeling monsters powerpoint story and activities

Identifying Feelings | Feeling Monsters


Are you looking for a fun resource to get your young learners identifying feelings?

The 12 Feeling Monsters in this resource are so adorable your children will want to get to know them!

????????This identifying feelings resource pack includes so much!

Detailed product description with ideas & instructions on how to make the most out of these activities

Identifying Feelings Read Aloud PowerPoint Story ▻that introduces us to our 12 Feeling Monsters. These gorgeous characters describe what it is like to feel that emotion and use scenarios to further illustrate what is happening. They engage our children by asking questions to help make links to our own individual experiences.

  • ▻Have you felt this way before?
  • ▻What can we do when we feel this way?

The 12 emotions depicted are:













12 My Feeling Monsters Description Cards: These may be displayed in the classroom to reinforce and remind the children of the different characters.

My Feelings Monster Recording Sheet: (2 Versions – one with lines for writing and one without) What is your monster feeling today? Why is your monster feeling this way? Draw and Color.

All About My Feeling Monsters: Create a take-home book about our feeling monsters for your children to fill in and take home.

*Cover page & 12 Feeling Monsters pages included*

My Feelings Stick Puppets: These feeling monster stick puppets are a fun way to encourage our young learners to develop an understanding of feelings and emotions.

How Do You Feel Emotions Chart: Display this chart in the classroom to encourage children to connect and check-in. How do you feel today?

☀️ If you love our Feeling Monsters, save $ with our Feeling Monsters Bundle ???????? (Link here)

Terms of Use
Copyright ©Spark Interest 2021. All rights reserved by author, Sara-Jane Lai. This product is intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. It is to be used by the original purchaser only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, edited, or resold. All contents of this document are under copyright protection. Please respect all the hard work of myself and all the talented artists who helped create this product.
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