Social Emotional Learning Posters BUNDLE

Product image for SEL Classroom Posters

Social Emotional Learning Posters BUNDLE

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $12.40.

Are you looking for some Social Emotional Learning posters made with your young learners in mind? This Social Emotional Learning Posters Bundle includes 56 bright and fun SEL posters (8.5 x 11 inches)  that are perfect for your preschool, pre-k or kindergarten classroom, your school counseling office or even bulletin boards around your preschool or school. 

The Social Emotional Learning Posters Included Are:

  • Friendship PostersThese bright and fun posters for the classroom are all about friendship! 3 Friend ship posters, 12 qualities of a friend 3 friendship quotes and 1 create your own friendship poster worksheet.


  • Calm Down Corner PostersBring calmness into your pre-k, preschool or kindergarten classroom with these 10 gorgeous calm down corner posters. 


  • Feelings PostersThese 10 bright and fun classroom posters are a great visual aid to complement your identifying emotions unit of study.


  • Classroom MottosThese classroom mottos will introduce your young learners to what is expected of them. This will promote a sense of belonging and begin to create a sense of community.


  • Rules for Listening & SpeakingThese 8 bright and fun classroom posters (8.5 x 11) are a great reminder of the rules for listening and speaking in the classroom.
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