Social Scenario Problem Solving Task Cards

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Social Scenario Problem Solving Task Cards


Are you looking for a fun way to help your young students develop problem solving skills? These 44 social scenario problem-solving tasks cards are exactly what you are looking for and will be a great addition to your preschool, pre-k or kindergarten classroom!


The social scenarios present common social problems that may occur in the classroom for our young learners. These social scenario problem-solving task cards will provide our young learners with the opportunity to discuss what problems may arise, empathize with others, consider how people are feeling and what to do when those situations occur.


What’s included in this Social Scenario Problem Solving resource?

•44 Social Scenarios (22 inside & 22 Outside)

•Versions: PDF Color and Black & White

•Guiding Questions -Use the Task Card Discussion Questions to guide meaningful discussions around each social scenario.


These questions encourage:

  • Identifying the problem.
  • Considering how the different people in the situation may feel.
  • Considering options to try and solve the problem.
  • What to do when it doesn’t work.
  • Who can you go to when you need help.


When to use these Social Scenarios Problem Solving Cards?

•Use these social scenarios with the whole class, small group or with an individual.

•Use at the beginning of the school year or as a review after a break.

How to use these Social Scenarios Problem Solving Cards?

•Role play the scenarios and brainstorm ways to deal with each situation.

•Spotlight one scenario and have your students work in pairs or small groups to come up with possible solutions.

•Use scenarios as writing prompts.

•Use one scenario a day as a quick daily focus to reinforce problem solving skills.

•A great Think-Pair-Share activity.



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Copyright ©Spark Interest with Sara. All rights reserved by author, Sara-Jane Lai. This product is intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. It is to be used by the original purchaser only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, edited, or resold. All contents of this document are under copyright protection. Please respect all the hard work of myself and all the talented artists who helped create this product.

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