Thanksgiving Classroom Activities

Thanksgiving Classroom Activities
Are you looking for some engaging, heart-centered Thanksgiving Classroom Activities that will get your young learners thinking and expressing what they are thankful for in their lives?
These Thanksgiving activities for the classroom here will examine the main areas in your students’ lives and get them thinking and identifying the many different people and things we can be thankful for.
Your students will look at 5 main areas: home, family, school, community, and nature, and see that there is much to be thankful for. They will then use the Thanksgiving classroom activities to record and express what they are thankful for.
☼ Do you know this is part of a $ saving Thanksgiving Activities Bundle?
The Thanksgiving classroom activities included are:
- Discussion Activity: Print and use the vibrant images to highlight different things and people we can be thankful for.
Why do we need to be thankful?
We need to learn to focus on the positive so that we can acknowledge all the good we have in our lives. Being thankful also allows us to think of others and all they do for us and appreciate them.
- Thanksgiving Flip Book (B&W and Color)
Now that your students have had time to discuss and think about what they are thankful for, it is time to put those ideas onto paper by creating a super cute Thanksgiving Flip Book.
- Thankful Turkey
A simple Thankful Turkey to cut, color and glue together to create an awesome classroom display or to send home to celebrate Thanksgiving!
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Copyright ©Spark Interest 2021. All rights reserved by author, Sara-Jane Lai. This product is intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. It is to be used by the original purchaser only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, edited or resold. All contents of this document are under copyright protection. Please respect all the hard work of myself and all the talented artists who helped create this product.