Identifying Feelings Worksheets


Identifying Feelings Worksheets


Identifying Feelings Worksheets

The 23 identifying feelings worksheets will keep your children engaged and will be a welcome addition to your social-emotional learning curriculum.

⭐️ ⭐️ Did you know this product is part of a BUNDLE? ???????? Identifying Feelings BUNDLE

These print and go worksheets focus on a variety of feelings and emotions: happy, sad, shy, scared, surprised, grumpy, silly, confused, angry, nervous, disappointed, proud


☀️20 of the identifying feelings worksheets come in 2 versions: Black & White and Color.

☀️3 worksheets come with color photos.

What’s Included in these Identifying Feelings Worksheets?

  Match the Activity with the Feeling (2 sheets)

 – Read the scenarios and match them with the feeling.

Feelings: Grumpy, proud, sad, surprised, shy, sad, scared, happy.

Match the Feelings (2 sheets)

– Draw a line to match the feelings expressed on the faces of each character.

Match the Feeling with the Word (2 sheets)

  • Draw a line to match the feeling words with the character.
  • Feelings: Happy, sad, shocked, angry, nervous, tired, excited, shy, silly, confused.

Picture Sort (2 sheets)

  • Cut and sort pictures.
  • Feelings: Shocked & Excited, Sad & Angry

Identifying Feelings (3 sheets)

  • Search and circle the children with the same feeling.
  • Feelings: Happy, Sad, Angry

My Feelings Worksheets (9 sheets)

  • What do you look like when you are feeling this? What helps you calm down or feel better?
  • Feelings: Disappointed, scared, nervous, angry, worried, sad
  • What brings you joy? What gets you excited? What are you proud of?
  • Draw what you look like when you experience these feelings.

Identifying Feelings (3 sheets)

  • Look at the real photos of people. What are they feeling? Color the correct feeling.
  • Feelings: nervous, angry, shocked, proud, excited, shy, silly, happy, confused.


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