Empathy Building Activities for Preschoolers

Empathy Building Activities for Preschoolers
Have you been wondering … how to teach empathy to preschoolers?
Are you looking for empathy building activities for preschoolers that will help develop your students abilities to see things from the point of view of others and support them as they develop actions and words to show empathy to others?
This carefully planned empathy building activities for preschoolers resource, will do just that!
Start with a lesson on Perspective Taking then move on to the Developing Empathy lesson. This perfect combo will help your students:
- realize that other people may think differently about the same thing and that’s okay
- see things from other’s points of view
- know what they can do and say to show empathy
What’s included in this Empathy Building Activities for Preschoolers Resource?
- Two Detailed Lesson Plans: To guide you through introducing perspective taking and developing empathy.
- Two PowerPoint Presentation: To introduce & practice the concepts & interactive questions to engage your students
a. Perspective Taking
b. Showing Empathy – Things we can Say and Do
- Show Empathy Banner Display & Recording Sheets
- Perspective Taking Craft Activity
- Show Empathy: The Board Game
This colorful board game gives the children an added opportunity to talk about Empathy and to share ideas in a fun way.
- Display Posters: ‘Empathy Means …’ & ‘I can practice Perspective Taking’
- Perspective Taking Role Play Activity
- Letter to Families (editable): Build connections with families by sending a letter home letting them know what you are focusing on & how they can support their child.
Did you know this comes as part of a BUNDLE?
SAVE with Empathy Activities BUNDLE
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Copyright ©Spark Interest with Sara. All rights reserved by author, Sara-Jane Lai. This product is intended for classroom and personal use ONLY. It is to be used by the original purchaser only. No part of this document may be distributed, posted on the internet, copied, edited, or resold. All contents of this document are under copyright protection. Please respect all the hard work of myself and all the talented artists who helped create this product.