The Blog

Bring Social-Emotional Learning to the Heart of Your Preschool Classroom

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Hi! Welcome to Spark Interest with Sara!

I am a preschool teacher, a curriculum designer, a course creator and a mum to a gorgeous boy who keeps me on my toes! 

Creating and sharing inspiring educational resources and courses for teachers and parents is my passion! I wake up every day excited to be able to be part of nurturing young minds and hearts! 



Cover image for how to create a calm down corner in classroom blog post

How to Create a Calm Down Corner in Classroom Settings In 4 Easy Steps

I am not gonna lie; 6 weeks into the school year, I still had students crying in my doorway and not wanting to leave their parents during drop-off. These students had never been away from their parents for an extended period of time (thanks Covid), and I had to quickly find a way to help…

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Teaching Activities on Empathy in Preschool – Why should I care?

Developing empathy skills in young learners may seem like a daunting task to bring into your preschool classroom, but if you teach and incorporate activities on empathy, your students will be more successful in all areas of their lives in the future! Empathy is defined as the ability to recognize, understand, and share the feelings…

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11 Books on Friendship for Preschool Children You’ll Absolutely Love

11 Books on Friendship for Preschool Children You’ll Absolutely Love Teaching friendship in the preschool setting is so important and adding books on friendship into your lessons is a must! With preschool friendship books, you can discuss so many different ideas, like kindness, boundaries, empathy, social skills, what makes a good friend and so much…

Cover Image for Teamwork Activities for Preschool

4 Main Reasons Why Teamwork Activities for Preschool are so Important

Wouldn’t you agree that working collaboratively on ANYTHING in preschool is a challenge?! We want to teach our preschoolers exactly how they need to work together to solve problems or work through challenges, however, teaching this is usually easier said than done. We often need some help coming up with teamwork activities for preschool children…

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13 Brilliant Books to Help Teach and Develop Empathy in Your Classroom

Helping children develop empathy is one of the most important things we need to do as teachers. Empathy helps our young learners connect with others who can be like them, unlike them, and everything in between!  Why Empathy is Important? Empathy is an area that is so important, and we need to make sure to…

Cover image for Why Empathy is important even in the preschool classroom blog post

Why Empathy is Important: Even in the Preschool Classroom

Why Empathy is Important: Even in the Preschool Classroom Last week in preschool, one of my 4-year-olds came up to me crying because she had done a drawing specially for another child and that child did not want it! When I asked the receiver of the picture why she didn’t accept it she said she…

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What is Kindness and How do You Really Teach Kindness to Preschoolers?

I am going to talk about the age-old questions we probably all ask in our classroom every year during those first few days, “What is kindness?” Yes, that one simple word “kindness” stems into so many other words and can often lead to hours of discussion, activities, and more.  We as teachers try to create…

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8 Ways to Help Identify and Manage Feelings For Preschoolers

Our preschoolers have a lot of feelings and they are normally pretty BIG feelings, don’t you agree? Often, they find it difficult to identify feelings and understand how to process, manage, and work through them. So it all comes out as one big emotion! When kids learn to manage their emotions in childhood it leads…

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The Benefits of Using Would You Rather Questions for Kids in Your Classroom

I don’t know about you; but, who knew all those college nights answering would you rather questions in my dorm room with my friends and laughing endlessly at the answers would become a staple in my preschool classroom! When I became a preschool teacher, I never would have thought I would transfer those fun all-nighters…